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Hard to get out of this thing actually just bought a Lamborghini and I know people at the wide-body and is show off is not just because I like fast. The reason I bought Lamborghini and the reason I have for Rory before the Maserati is because I wanted to remind myself of a dream a dream of financial freedom because it wasn't too long ago that I was sleeping on the couch now, tell you the secret by limiting it to you want to know what is drop out all college multimeters. We would love & I will visit the list world most successful people. People will more successfully meet Bill Gates, Mark, Dr. Berger, Richard Branson, Richard Branson as he dropped out of high school. What does he know that you and I did learn when you were growing up, all of us have been taught from our childhood wait wait for the lottery ticket of life we for that thing outside of our control. That's the thing will go to college. That's the thing we are to be worn in my family the thing we will weight you have to have a hierarchy of the government when the government recession gets better call me. We've been lied to. You know why you break, tell you what, five or 10 things that I learned from my millionaire mentor see I can't even take the credit for my success. I wish I could be a cool story but not too long ago I was sleeping on the couch and rest of this is a reminder you keep another reminder on my phone picture of a couch, a couch that I was sleeping on the middle of nowhere, Clayton, North Carolina in the mobile. I had no money, no college degree but you see now is not the same. By the way I went this car. I went to scarf the sheep people are so pessimistic is a fear based on your mind okay so that reminder Richard Branson dropping out of college families like you what's going on his game. This is the secret. This is the real secret of the power of positive thinking select few minutes in this video will give you 5 to 10 things that you can take away today and if you do them. They will change your life. The Dalai Lama said the three kinds of knowledge, hearing, comprehending and making instinctive change. I hope and I will show you how you can be in the third category will need more books, more people who just have it all up in her head. You want the real stuff you want to pay off the bills you want to have wealth in your bank account you want to be healthy and happy. You want to find love. We know this treatment for said and the reason this game is so important. He said in his famous work civilization's discontents. He said I can't tell you what the purpose of life is but I can't tell you about the behavior of humans we move away from pain and discomfort and we move towards intense pleasure. The reason that Richard Branson was able to drop out of college and had everything he wanted in life is because he knew how to imagine you know before he started Virgin Airlines. He was just pretty poor kid on an island down in the Bahamas and he had a dream and hand imagination. What see it all starts with what it is the first breakthrough 40 hours, joking when I said drop out of college, but maybe people who drop out of college are little better at dreaming maybe they're not robotic. You know, look at the timeline of how wealth was created who have a wealth some material things thousand years ago dollars or pounds or euros right and something else. I call it now freedom units. Forget the word money. Too many bad connotations what if you have more freedom units. What if you controlled your throughout history who had the most of these units well long time ago. It was Chiefs of tribes then you had warriors like Alexander the great days, you have explorers like Boland Pizarro and then you had kings and monarchs and you had families and bankers like the Rothschild menu had the robber barons Carnegie, Rockefeller finally in our century in the last century you had Henry Ford and industrialist, and lastly and most importantly, there was the rise of the Corporation in the 1950s. That's where the 9-to-5 job came from what salary slaves came from. That's the generation your parents grew up, my parents grew and we grew up in mentality, not the mentality that says it's a college degree nor the concrete prepares you to make other people wealthy non-obscene education is an important fact. I believe in lifelong education. Maybe you heard my text talk where I talk about why read a book a day. I'm educated your educated box school classroom isn't necessarily the only way you can be educated. It's a tool it can be used should be used but is not exclusive in the rise of the Corporation. That world needed college degree but you know what we live in now the best of all times the world is now ready and right and I don't believe this will last forever, but it is the time right now. We live in the time of the self-made 5. Many researchers like Daniel Kahneman from Princeton have proven that money if used properly, and make no mistake, people do not use this, but if you use it right it can buy you more happiness explained them one hour later. But remember, if you want this freedom. It will begin in your mind new exciting ways of thinking and living innovation. Remember the rest the world is stock trapped. I was trapped once I needed a new way to think me share with you some of those breakthrough ideas about tenable to change my life and will change your life to see the things you haven't heard before I give you were taught by parents at school or university or magazine or news timeshare you a handful of these now if you still want more give you a way to find out the rest later and by the way I want to thank you for listening in. I know you have a lot of other things you could be doing with your time now is of watching the stand here my garage. My little white board. So anyway, as a token of my appreciation. If you stated in will give for your present you'll see what it is. It's worth about 100 bucks and it's free just for listening. No gimmicks now to where you found me. Maybe her my text talk on why read a book a day. I think I have the second-biggest book review club in the world. Now, after some you saw me on TV. Or maybe you're part of the one half million people who follow me in 40 countries on my newsletter, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Insta Graham, or maybe you can join my talks on my speaking tour at the top universities and business schools around the world. Again, I want to come off as bragging because I can't really take credit for most of my success. 90% of it come from five mentors I had millionaire mentors will be business partners. Thousands of books that I read them from personally being taught by some of the wealthiest, most successful people in the world. So again, I can clean this as something that I came up with. I wish I was that smart, but I'm not and again anything I can matter the matter for you. I'm only telling you this. I'm only mentioning this so that you know is not just book knowledge. This is something I've experienced firsthand. I want to know you're not alone in a distant message that I'm sharing with you right now about the share is interesting enough to keep you 1 million people more pain attention so I decided to record and share my story and share these 10 breakthrough tips with you today you what I did from to go from being completely broke worse because I was actually in debt to being here. You know this is an eight bedroom house in Allwood Hills with all these cool toys and all that stuff and some of you know you really care about materialistic things. Just remember, Mother Teresa won a Nobel Prize she never kept any money for herself but she did raise millions of dollars.
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