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If you think being poor is bad I will tell you what's worse, being rich, and then losing it all. The human mind uses a relative scale. If you take one step forward, but two steps backward to be million miserable. Somebody who makes $1 million, but then loses it will hundred thousand is more miserable than somebody who makes hundred thousand figures out how to make 5000 more that relative scale is the 67th program kicks in and you start getting the success results I want you to get this very special recording. I did not on how to not just get ahead, but how to stay ahead. This is based on the exact formula of the wealthiest families the Waltons the Rothschilds affords I normally charge 497. For this, but I'll throw this in free because I think it's important to give you this VIP concierge guide. I want to start preparing for a fun new problem in your life as soon as you start moving up this pyramid as well. You're gonna want hire some help. This bonus guide is not available anywhere else is going to show you how to reconfigure your life to enjoy the fruits of your labor and all the best way to buy a Lamborghini, maybe Porsche guesthouse. Plus, you know me personal chef. All these things your life is about to get way less stressful because everyone will be focus on taking care of you let me out. I know this sounds a bit materialistic, but as an experiment with many different lifestyles from Beverly Hills to back when I was living with Amish in a log cabin with no electricity or running water, no cars or somebody. One thing I learned is that you need a healthy balance of help of unselfish, altruistic, charitable goals, alongside some selfish wants you can actually end up doing more good for the world at large by motivating yourself at times. Not all the time with some fun toys. Whether it's a shopping spree. A luxury vacation or fast car the great teacher Rabbi Hillel said if you don't love me who will, but if I only love me when this special bonus features that next you get the number three speed reading wizardry. I don't think get those readers are leaders, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett. They agree that if they get one superpower would be the ability to be the fastest reader in the world reading more than your competition give you an edge will be the first to catch the new trends now who is the time to sit down for three or four hours a day. Read all the right, not many of us until now because show you how to turn your mind into a vacuum to absorb entire books in under 20 minutes while still remembering important parts and add this to your arsenal, your friends and be amazed what you reap the rewards that is going on to speed reading your to get access to my six video series is a new series I created all I call it a technique called smart reading your learn how to read faster, but you learn the routine that I follow the types of book to read what time of the day. Now this again. I charge 97 format today I it's also your for next the total memory system. You know, it's not enough to just be successful you read fast need to remember what you read about some of the deli, the Dalai Lama. The three levels of success hearing comprehending but making it instinctual. That's what you have to you have to aspire to. Over the years as I've read thousands of book I develop special shortcuts of my own to have a powerful recall. It's not that hard, show you the payoff is massive. A lot of people after all the quotes in these books and it's because I'm so smart, it's because I develop systems to Southeast atomic systems trump willpower okay you may be surprised by your command people's attention with his newfound skill against something you can buy separately if but it's 97, but again I want to load you up with everything you need to succeed. That's Michael Ott next you get a free membership to my invitation only social networking groups. Now remember, the key to learning and growth is a social if you're only reading books are self-help alone make it too hard on yourself you know there's that book social by the Harvard Dr., Matt Lieberman. He talks about the hardwiring of our brain and how it's built to learning groups, the famous sociologist Robin Dunbar came up with Dunbar's number that is the number 150. That's what our brain is accustomed to. It's a wire to be around. In terms of friends, acquaintances, and so when it comes to learning. I created two powerful social learning groups that are both private. These are invitation-only that your immediate access to one is the 67 steps website off social networking group and the other is a private close Facebook. These two groups give you access to new level. I knew friends were on your level to potential allies, investors, business partners, affiliates, employees, contractor people find boyfriend girlfriend. The love this mastermind you can get instant access to optimal success the world's of people who are going the same place is not going to drag you down in the law, 33%. This is an amazing source of quick practical answers your questions. Hey, does anybody know this in my area and so on. So remember the saying goes, is not what you know, it's who you that you get an accelerator call. Okay, so having a customized plan is important. You don't just want a cookie cutter approach. Your situation is unique. Now I've tested what works best and found an accelerated call on with one of the experts on my team is in a supercharger success. So on my website you will see that's listed for 97. My goal here again is not to make the maximum money that's not why do this so again would include one accelerator call for you today number seven some of you want to work with me personally and asked me questions now. I charge you personally $10,000 to do and how to do consulting to companies, but I I again my my goal is not to work with huge companies. I like working with individuals, people have the same story in the same struggle that I I've had so today I would give you access to two small group called the month completely included in this program the water from your phone or computer and you actually be live so you can ask me questions right as you go more more advanced through the program is very important that you have the ability to talk to me personally, so this small group setting. You can access it. It's twice a month and so the people that are coming in that fine that's just like supercharges the success the online deuced the stuff you can do at your own pace combined with this and again I the charge that separate but I decided I want to put this in this test group that you're part of a lease for now love. The third pillar of light three kids around your love and socialite friend family romance at the next bonus number matter single married or in a relationship was about to happen to you. The success of the power revitalize a romance life. What is a take a kiss goodbye to struggling to find good date boyfriend girlfriend husband wife friends the right people network. We become successful new types of people to be attracted to you want be near you. Talk to spend time with you. This is true even if you're in a relationship you're about to get a big boost. I was recently reading an almost 50% of divorce and breakups are about money but you need these tips to keep money from accidentally harming your love life not just money but success overall you're not careful can intimidate and push people away, but there is a handbook, give you this handbook for what you myself and those people and mentors even more variance than me much more had to say about this new improved social and love number nine the ninth bonus here always free to give you something about health. The first floor the good life eight ways to use your newfound success to keep you young and healthy physically. However, the fact the higher income will, on average, make you live longer and look better. It's no secret that Brad Pitt and Jane Fonda have hardly a money right of divorce making money doesn't automatically make you look young and fit. You need the tricks of the trade that people your Hollywood guard jealously. Now, unfortunately, you know, so my sources and friends have leaked me this stuff and again I'm not, plastic surgery is her all-natural method. The method I'm not big on stuff they do your Hollywood but I partnered with one of the top celebrity personal trainers okay and he can help you revolutionize not just the things in this program like your bank account or social life and happiness we can help you revolutionize not just your you know love, wealth and happiness, but also help you stay lean, strong and healthy. You know he actually this celebrity coach actually was introduced to me 3 to 67 step program. He went through it last last bonus but not least number 10 list. People always ask me which my phone are most important. The ones I keep on my phone to keep my productivity high in my own multiple businesses. I get on the 500 emails a day. There are basically way too many hours to help you. Most of them end up hurting you. Most of them are worthless. There are a few that transform my life. Some of them are completely unknown, throwing that entire list as another bonus again all these things for only 67. The actual original price for this program is much higher. Okay, but the way I decided to do this is kind of like a university with scholarships each month. I set aside a certain amount of partial scholarships where I wave most of the cost the city so all those bonuses. I don't want things to be completely free you one of my mentors. Since the type you give things away completely free people value what they got in it and benefit. So again I'm only giving out scholarships to the next hundred listeners who take action after that and all the bonuses all these things you have to buy separately. Okay, so soon as is hundred spot is claim. This offers coming out watching this right now, there are still some spots available, but this is truly you know a snooze you lose situation is about probably about 2000 people are watching this video right now, so this is something you want to improve your life. Click the button below this video to claim your spot. You feel good knowing that your decision to get in the program. By the way, is fully guaranteed off. I believe so strongly in this 67 step mentor program. I know it's so powerful, so different than anything you've ever tried before, that I guarantee that your life is about to be revolutionize in the next 67 days and that you will finally be on the road to riches. It's a symbol that is guaranteed to work for you. If for some reason you're not happy. Just send an email don't like the color you want the my face. You don't like whatever it is day no questions asked. Will refund every penny, and you still have on the list and all the material you got the bonuses. The only one who should be afraid to lose here is me Melissa clients from around the world are eager to shell out tens of thousands of dollars per hour working with me in a one-on-one one. The high-speed consultants on the Internet. My rate comes out like you said about $1 million a year for private coaching so I know that this stuff works and I know the chances that you want a refund are very slim. I put my own personal name on this number. This is a my main source of income so there is no way I would jeopardize my reputation for a few bucks. I can look you and I honestly and say this is gonna make you very very happy. Trust me and see and remember, the best part is you get direct access to the private membership area through this website you have access in just a few minutes depending on how fast you can put your info and on the next page. No waiting for the mailman and no mysterious boxes to show up at your place just instant access to this life-changing information from the privacy of your own home now. Right now you important decision to make. Most likely one of the most important decisions you'll ever make the one that can have a dramatic effect on not only your bank account and social life but also your health and happiness. What it comes down to is this you can go on from here alone and keep doing what you been doing all along the same way before you found this page continuing to experience the frustration and challenges that brought you here and kept you listening in the first place. You can click the link below right now and get access to the 67 steps mentor program is the most powerful system in the world for attracting success to yourself and do it now because at any moment, the price will be raised. I've already rated three time the demand was so high like I said earlier, I want to throttle how many people get in here so there can still be no interaction in these groups. I want not try to build an empire here now the second make the decision for you, but I honestly believe everything happens for a reason. You it's not just luck, there might be fate, but I believe it's no accident you're here right now watching. So go ahead and give it a try again. You're not risking anything fully guaranteed simple I would make that promise. If I wasn't absolutely sure you think life is a series of experiments, the spring of your life. You can't make mistakes when you see things as experiments. This is another experiment free to try and sincerely guarantee there's no rest now. The good news is this an experiment that is already proven to work over and over for thousands, tens of thousands of people in 40 countries from all walks of life. So when you click the button below you can feel confident that you're about to stop struggling and finally achieve the success that you can help, wealth, love and happiness. So go ahead with the button below. Enter information on the secure 256 bit SSL encrypted form on the next page, I make sure it's all safe and secure information is hundred percent confidential. You'll enjoy full privacy insider instant access member area, not your look back at the day, my same backwards in one day.you my neck. You look back and see today is a crucial turning point in your life. Everything is going to change you not to have to worry like you did before. So right now click the button below to get started on my way are you still here is still thinking about this. I know I mentioned at the beginning that you can get your free gift is for listening in soap. The me do that. Also want to answer questions every day a ton of questions from people referred to us by existing our members have such crazy success. They end up telling all her friends and family. So let me answer some of the more common questions you have. She might be sitting there watching on your phone making a decision. I'm also get you a free gift for 9070s for listening. It all in question is how fast will I start seeing results now. John wooden used to say be quick but not in a hurry. Joel's out and uses a make haste slowly. I call it the difference between there's different kinds of the patient's right there such thing called IP and PI okay impatiently, being patient or patiently been inpatient simple way then saying that is that you should start things immediately, but realized you know that nothing happens overnight. Although I'm telling you, and I say this in all honesty, people like to read you map hostess people see revolutionary change overnight. You know that one guy going 2000 6000. Not everybody does that. This is not some tricky thing trying to do. I'm just saying don't limit yourself things can happen very very fast like Tony Robbins is change happens you in the blink of an eye going on a diet in a certain way, don't you know Thomas used to tell me a fence that goes up fast fold-down fast like a dive, you will lose all the weight in one week likely to gain the right backside. Pace myself a little bit. The goal is permanent change. Not a quick one time spurt. That's why we're basing this on the science, the 67 day program is not too long is not too short so make sure you go through the whole system before you jump ahead. The members are a little patient have a significantly higher long-term success rate. So give yourself every possible advantage. It can be the difference of GU having just a little success. You know today. Are you actually making it big.
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