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The question though is how to those people, men and women in that list I just gave learned to make their money without a conventional modern education. The answer is simple. This elite group know something our parents didn't have a secret and alternative. Let me let you in on this is the next breakthrough to write these down. They didn't learn it in a classroom. They learn from someone else or I should say from someone else. They had knowledge passed down transferred from mentors from professional schoolteachers. If you study the lives you will see this for yourself. Study the lives of those great people, they almost always had at least one millionaire mentor maybe more than that is the big trick that is one of the biggest breakthroughs that was my only secret I found a millionaire mentor you know someone who cleaned out all that worthless stuff that was in the back of my mind from this education system that we have now, so you in my story when I was on the couch. I begin to do this research, I begin to see you when I asked around, I asked my uncle the smartest person I knew at the time about making money. He said type. He said the phone find some of the big yellow page ad there probably be successful. So that's what I did. I went and I found that the biggest yellow page ad. I made an appointment with a guy named Mike Stainback still friend of mine lives in North Carolina and I showed up and assured of his office. Kathy took me back to the back office and I was there and I said was that Mike, you know you don't know who I am. I don't really know you but I know you must be successful and has a sorry big yellow page data. One can have a 30,000. Our ad must know what they're doing and I remember use in the chair and a big mustache like Tom Selleck in and I said to him I said you know if if you teach me what you know I would prefer any kind just took that cherries rock back and he just slowly turned to me and he said time. I've been looking for someone like you for 30 years that show up in the morning and will give you a job. Sure enough he did anyone I walk out the door after said that he said hey talk, one thing if you listen to what I'm about to tell you one day you're gonna hug my neck. I think of those words a lot ill. He knew I was going to be grateful and I'm telling you this not because I'm so special. But if you listen to him and to continue go through these breakthroughs and you don't just listen or hear but you make these instinctually part of your Outlook and approach to life one day you're gonna hug my neck. I get literally thousands of emails at a time for people coming through all the things that I'm teaching and it's just like back to those days Mike Stainback told me you I didn't stop after Mike told me that I begin to gain momentum offer the last 12 or more years I've been asking the world smartest, happiest and wealthiest mentors to work with me. This journey led me over 51 countries in the five main mentors and 12 other business partners and advisors, all of them at the million-dollar level someone closer to that billion-dollar level and you know for someone to write a lot. Some of you know me as the guy who reads a book a day but I begin to focus on reading books about wealth creation to draw this insight, things became pretty clear, surprising, having began to compile what I learned. I literally started writing everything down on a whiteboard. It's, like that one line I filled up one whiteboard others. I whiteboard all over my office like a mad scientist are still all over my house here, Hollywood, come check them out under the rules, tips, secrets and principles collected over more than 10 years ended up being about 300 steps 300 breakthrough steps. At first I confess I did it just for myself later like I mentioned, I used it to train the CEOs of different companies. I invested. I started by trying to teach all 300 steps. I quickly realized that that was way too much for anyone, so I began to try to figure out how to compile and consolidate them into the minimum number of principles that I thought were realistic that time also stumbled upon some research by University College London. That said, it takes on average 66 days change happens. You don't need years to change habits, but it does take a little consistency. So I decided I take the 66 days had one more for good luck and I condensed all 300 of those principles into just 67 steps one a day for 67 days that the scientifically proven amount of days to change happens. Habits of poverty habits of debt and scarcity. We decided to call the 67 steps mentor program, and since I release this program to a small group it's been mind blowing to see the results. Because you see it's currently being used by people who are born geniuses. In fact, the next breakthrough number six for you to understand is that the average millionaire was not born with some special talent or genius Jason Gorski, a researcher on an offer of a study on wealth and IQ at Ohio State University. Since people don't become rich just because they are smart, your IQ has really no relationship to your wealth. The billionaire Warren Buffett said that if you have an IQ over 120. You should sell the extra to someone else. You don't need. Trust me, you have at least 120 IQ for still watching you must ignore the talent myth is one of the biggest lies of our century. You'll see it widespread throughout the media, the belief that some people are just born with magical abilities. Now you might encounter table what about child product. Tiger Woods, for example, is considered the most talented golfer of all time. Remember, was it really that any inborn talent. What about the fact that Tiger Woods was given a golf club before his first birthday. By the age of two he had Artie played his first round of golf MI five. He had accumulated more hours of practice than most of us get in a lifetime what's actually more important is breakthrough number seven instead of being born a genius which you can't control. You have to focus on what you can control. That's what Stephen Covey talks about in his famous best-selling book, the habits of highly effective people. I personally think of as external influence control, or in simpler terms of the law of 33%. A lot of people remember I talked about that in my text spent 33% of your time with people below your level. These are the people you can help. You can mentor them, and they were still hope your self-esteem. You realize you are not doing so bad I didn't spent 33% of the time around people on your level, Gandhi talk about this in autobiography on your rise to the top. It can get lonely, so you need friends and allies on the same journey as you, but most importantly what most people forget is that you have to spend 33% of your time around people, 10 or 20 years ahead of you. This is the last part of the 33%. These are the mentors people have already achieved what you want to achieve the master this question is a scary question how many hours did you spend today today tell me about the future of the past. Today around some 20 years ahead of someone is Artie accomplish what you want to accomplish. Remember other people affect us. They rub off on us, Jim Rohn, the famous coach's age or income level be the average of your five closest friends. If you spend time around people you will learn how to get rich. If you spend time around poor people. You will become poor. Your friends and acquaintances they can drag you down. Even if they don't need to. You cannot let this happen external influence control. Remember, this goes beyond just the front of all the music you listen to the TV the movies. Even the books like the old cliché garbage and garbage out. I just want to say you and I talked a lot about you notice material success, and how the 67 steps can help you make money, but what about get access to go way beyond money that the next breakthrough to write these down is the next one right down. I mentioned this earlier. It's about the good life helpful love and happiness. I know a guy is of the building are level you think you have one or two private 747s private jet. The settlement level but guess what he so unhealthy. He's bedridden. He stuck in bed. He can enjoy as well. Even someone a huge debt even about you you wouldn't trade for him right all the money in the world that do you any good if you are unhealthy, that Princeton University study. It was in Time magazine. It show that if on your quest for material things you do things that alienate people. And when the below leader that all the happiness increase from the money will be offset by that loneliness you have to have love you know I always say health, wealth, love that's the third pillar to get all the material things and the immaterial, even though I've put a lot of thought has been going to these breakers.
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