67 Steps To Make More Money Part 12
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Another common question how do I know that this
will work for my exact situation and this was easy answer. I see massive
change. Like I said, I talked to 15-year-old kids in the program. 80 a doctor
or lawyer sword. The other days like I'm 62, is a chain just got off the phone
earlier today with the hedge fund action I had from the private equity,
founding partner, somebody with a net worth 40 $50 million. I couldn't believe
it. She's in the program. You know, so I've seen it work because we went
straight to the top to build this to the principal are so powerful they really.
It's literally like having a nuclear nuclear reactor behind you just can plow
through problems, whether they're huge or smaller. So I would even waste time
putting this up. If I didn't see it working consistently. So what you're about
to learn said it so tried-and-true that anonymous and confidence and money back
guarantee so you don't I've been doing this for a long time in person off about
the last 12 years with the consulting clients work with over 6000 people in
person and by cassette I reach about 1,000,000 1/2 people 40 countries now off
and I haven't seen anybody actually something with the senses looks like one
truck about 1 million positive comments. That's a lot you want to love you from
all walks of life, all ages all locations. This stuff is real. Some people
asked me to say hey I heard a get rich quick schemes. How I know this is a one
will hear the difference between this program and a scam. Very simple. A scam
doesn't work. That's the only reason people call a scam you know people go all
Lamborghini orders are like you're trying to look at how we should Lamborghini
like I said because part of my story and something bought for this video right
a scam doesn't work. It takes your money and leave you with nothing. This is a
10 X program. You get 10 times more value guarantee me I can see that
unequivocally a scam offers you something external some shiny object to buy
this and trade this process, but: scam is exposed like warm-ups. This when you
see who, when the tide comes in. You see who's swimming naked but this system
is different. It's not an external system. It works on the one thing that you
have ultimate control over your own mind once those good seeds get planted can
be taken away government recession, divorce, sickness, this is yours to keep
forever. I see people make money and lose it even Mike Tyson. To his credit, $4
million in lost, he recovered because he had learned you look at Mike Tyson. He
was a mentor by some sharp guy. He had some sharks around. But when you
internalized and learn and made instinctual. Nothing could hold them back. He's
back on top summonses will have a hard time following through. I get that a lot
procrastination. There is the simplest solution to procrastination. I told you
I built some of the orient of the program learning by example by having good
habits rub off on this my family so much easier than trying to use pure
willpower gradebook. All I can talk about that Gary Keller, the power want one
thing you be left alone. That's why built in the accelerated program. The axis
to the two private networks, and twice a month we can come on on a kind of a
nonaccountable in a bad way, but just kind of curriculum that you can falsely
can sit back and let the success and mindset rub off on you very important that
positive note that you need to take from procrastination to implementation
right so I don't I think those concerns are very relevant. Suffice it but you'll
see that saliva never heard of this I want you to understand this started out
of you. I'm a businessman, I did not start in the business doing it so I could
be sharing things like this. People ask me all the time. I've always been a
social to be parties here in the Hollywood Hills. You 500 people show up and
people asked me what your story.audience. I started out is doing a really here
my house are pretty big house in a bit of house. I started doing some summer
advertises his word-of-mouth I wanted. I was in the thing to reach, and even
now I'm not here to get 10 million people doing this. I've always liked the
quote quote 1860 give me 100 good people who fear nothing and care not who they
are. They alone will shake the earth, and that been this philosophy give me 100
people with open minds change the world. Give me 300 and offer some thoughts on
the 300. I went from hundred 300 so you know it's grown with word-of-mouth
members referring friends and family. I realize I need a website if not
scalable is not realistic for me to just talk to people one-on-one. I can't
can't do it. Even now I get more emails than I can even remotely handle
Facebook posting comments and so's I started doing started advertising little
focus groups. This focus group no one that you're in this test group and I
recently to society, and open up the window and see what happens and then I
want to close it again. It's about people don't realize I'm serious about that.
My goal is not to make a big name for myself. I like to help a few people,
someone like you. Hope you about that amazing life just like I made that
promise that I would pass on the stuff. Another question how much money will I
make the goals free to make a lot of money, but there is obviously variation
among humans like Will Durant said were all born in different capacities and
different skill, but I believe very sincerely that you and every person can get
to financial independence. Okay not everybody can be a billionaire Ms. talk
about independence or prosperity a life where you don't have to stress about
money on a continual basis we can do what you want when you want with whoever
so that income level needed it depends on where you live in there. You know how
old you are. If you're 70 different than if you're 1830 and have four kids so I
can give you an exact number. I would never do that. There is a wide range I've
seen people make millions and I've seen people just didn't care about millions
who just said how I feel like Daniel comments at 75,000 a minute. The five, 120
is a great place if you're already there but the main thing is keep moving up.
I call that ratcheting your learn about that and 67 steps. So what is important
is the amount you want to make right my aspirations might not be your
aspirations. Everyone makes that choice in the decision for themselves. You
might be totally happy with less but all I know is that if you are not using
this plan, your bank account balance is lower than it should be your health
will be lower than it could be your love and social will be lower your
happiness will be lower so this is the time change.
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