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I originally developed what I'm sharing with you. 10 years ago to train the CEOs who I hired to run the companies I invest in. I'm an investor. These steps have been hidden from ordinary people until the last few years you see it more and more see little inkling and will glean glamorous I should say you live been teaching the steps in his video to a small group of ordinary people who are living out the dream, the one we just went through the ones with the whole car wealth, independence, excitement, respect, luxury and life-changing higher purpose. Some of them are using this to make thousands of dollars, others hundreds of thousands even millions of dollars people without a college degree I didn't inherit my. I didn't hear people without super genius IQs regular people and this is happening in every city in the world, even the one you live in now. Now I know this is true because I'm one of those people and our friends personally with hundreds of people whose lives future bank accounts have changed forever to let me read to you. Some of the things I can't keep this in my back pocket here I put it to see you can hear firsthand what people are sent tie. It's amazing what happened in the last 24 hours after the video seems like I went from $2000 a day to 6123 a day. I attached a screenshot sent me like a bank statement. I will make you buy will make you aware very clear that I do not make up any of the people is a guy Matt Lucius Bob. He's actually on my side, a member, you can email him. I don't make up any of these all I have never seen anything make me money so fast in three days. I went from making $10 as a hostess at a Korean barbecue to making over $75 an hour that saw Magaly Pineda Magaly Widmer@Gmail.com if you want you Miller. I think she's Facebook.com/Magaly.Pineda.9 and Josie wrote it strange, but as soon as I started using this I become a magnet for money and opportunities it is to see the big check and an apology in the mail off from someone who owed me from three years ago, first buyer real estate for the budget of $750,000. Warmest regards, Josie, she's out dance.com Josie Negley@me.com that you can contact her Josie's a pretty well known here in Hollywood as a vapor's permission to post name and Facebook stuff this stuff works, but honestly there's so much fear in the world anyone who talks about this kind of stuff like I'm doing put your neck out there is accused of selling get rich quick schemes and trying to trick people. I had someone email me once they said I hate you try for what you're doing. It was crazy. I had done anything so I called pick up the phone. I called the talk personally with her and turns out it wasn't me. She was angry at her greedy capitalism. I was sadly she had a rare rare terminal illness and DOS uses taken out on anyone who was optimistic about life would actually become friends. But you know I'm a busy investor I buy and sell companies doing the video now is not my main and people have been watching you for a while know that you all put the videos up and take him down to move on to new projects so you stay watch this now believe might come back… Another day I will probably be long gone. I believe that your life comes in four seasons, winter, spring, summer and fall. The spring is when you do experiments the winters when you plan the spring when experiment summers when you work in the fall were you reap the rewards of what you've done in this video is one of those experiments, the spring for me so if you're watching your kind of in a test group. I hope you don't mind, I spent a little money on advertising and research and development on cameras and things like that and that was probably about 2000 people watching this video right now. I can buy them up into two groups. The first group has big dreams and the second group. The majority of people watching out chooses a limited life as Thoreau says the mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation and so I don't need to tell my story to everyone. The world is any 50,000 more rich Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian, mindless, materialistic robots there ask about wake up though offender my neighbors appear in the hills but nonetheless we don't need more of that. What we need is more good people like you have enough money and freedom to change our lives and the world around wealth and impact you know from you. So the like that movie 300 fined 300 amazing people out there in the big bad world. This presentation is like my personal radar. It's a way to set out a signal and see if I can locate just a few of the those of you with big dreams. I hope you're one of them because once this test group is filled him and take his presentation down, so please pay attention now until the end of these breakthrough you know these 10 so number two is to understand a simple wealth. It has five levels the worst at the bottom is what I called Donald Trump level debt. At one point Donald Trump city was $9.2 billion in debt is a whopper as a homeless person realize that he was $9.2 billion poor homeless person. The average American has over 200 grand in debt. That's the lowest level in the pyramid goes up to scarcity. The vast majority of humans are either in debt or in scarcity scarcity.
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