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Almost everything I talked about so far, can be summed up in that one overarching magic ingredient that common denominator in the success of almost every highly successful millionaire billionaire world impact life-changing person. Humans learn by example by osmosis. The super wealthy are no different. They all had a mentor. They had a coach. Bill Gates had Ed Roberts Oprah Winfrey had Mary Duncan. Steve Jobs had Robert Friedland, Warren Buffett had Benjamin Graham. Michael Jordan had Phil Jackson, Sam Walton had Ellis Robeson, Mark Zuckerberg was mentored by Steve Jobs, John Parker had Washington Post Don Graham Jay-Z was inspired by Leo: Martin Luther King Jr. learned from Benjamin Mays. Tom Hanks had Rowley Farnsworth Denzel Washington was coached by us. The point here Andrew Carnegie had Thomas Scott Larry page learned from Steve Jobs, Bill Hewitt, David Packard had Frederick Turman, Mark Benioff and Larry Ellison. Michael Dell found the walker Jack Dorsey was mentor by philanthropist Ray Chambers just a few. You see, you and I didn't get that lesson we just got schoolteacher babysitters all the elite people those teachers, if you will do what those people do. If I don't do what those people that the path that's been laid out before us. Guess what our odds of real success becomes slim to none. You don't make it without a coach, Michael Jordan, the greatest natural talent maybe ever in basketball. He still needed Dean Smith, Phil Jackson. He had David Thompson multiple mentors. So my question right now. Who is your mentor, friend or family member but someone who is exactly where you want to be in 10 years. Going back beginning of his talk. I did that little you know reward bias dream who Artie have that in your life that you're around today because of the unfortunate. It is damn hard to find someone to mentor you. It sucks because we all need the mentors, but most of them are willing to help the reader too busy they're doing their own thing. A little care. Some of the more they want to share their secrets like us that Mike Stainback and other people. I've been fortunate enough to convince people to help me mentor me, show me what you know. Cut the learning curve you save be a decade or 20 or 30 years, like Richard Dawkins says brain that we have is powerful so that we can simulate the future without having to go through the trial and error ourselves and so once I grasp those 10 breakthroughs is not about IQ natural talent for science. All those different ones that I'm talking about. That was all it took skyrocket all those things in the 67 steps to start with 300 Yorkshire tenable but if you let them. You let the rest of them work for you. It will change your life. I want to give you neither faster for why will you years ago like you hear the stories when you're in the trenches and war you make that promise to God. I made that promise that if I could make it. I would help other people make it to end. The reason I'm doing video stand my garage here I is me living up to that promise. You know once I started business to start making money start having success. People start coming out of the woodwork, friends, acquaintances or family members classmates. They start asking me hate. Can you help me and I wanted to have. I started by trying to introduce them to their own mentors, but all the mentors you know that I could find were there too busy or too secretive. You were off always say my mentor is now a private jet doing business presidents and prime ministers. So after I tried that and work as well was introduced to be what other mentors I swished doing seminars and public speaking. I still do that. I just finished the world tour from Hollywood, New York, Texas, Sweden, Germany, Belgium, Florida all over the place, but seminars and speaking are very limited. Not everyone has the time to call or you know lives close enough to show up and was in person. So over time I figured out an answer. I wanted to create something online a private website that anyone could access at any time off from any place, no matter their schedule or their budget on online mentoring system and uses virtual program had to be simple, convenient, a turnkey step-by-step formula that anyone beginner you know that the most beginner people using it and advantages got off the phone, but it was who runs a big hedge fund to people this weekend that are in the program. They all benefit from all this good stuff. Imagine if you could download the knowledge, experience from the world, wisest people into your the things we did get taught won't think what happened almost 300 principles directly downloaded into your brain while you are turning away bigger project I was doing other stuff and I watched our focus on while this is pretty tough, but we were determined that is about 11 months to compile it on the building into this online program and hundreds of hours of carefully laying everything out and recording it took a long time we finished. That's how this 67 steps mentor program came about today. A few of you will get access to this private system. This program is the first of its kind. I looked around and trust me there is nothing even remotely like this is the first system to actually guide you to the good life, health, wealth, love and happiness, not some get rich quick scheme, but a bulletproof system. The first program actually created online by the teachings of self-made millionaires. I put in thing for my own experience, trusted mentors people all collaborated I set the bar high for all the mentors that help you know, either in person or people that there's studying them is in the program I wanted to be sure they all were making in a 10 times more than the average person's not so we could look up to them as some great people but so we could be sure that they have started from nothing that they can inherit their money or had just got lucky, you will learn from those that are hard. Note it is not a static noise out there for listening to the wrong people you know it's awesome. Some of these mentor started nothing. Someone making over $50 million a year.
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